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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang UK Tour Review

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a timeless tale that seems to win the hearts of generations. Following a young family as they journey in their fantasmagorical car on an adventure of a lifetime, it's full of entertaining jokes, memorable songs, and characters that you'll never forget. 

Heading on a new UK tour, this show is currently parked at the Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre and we were invited along to see this nostalgic family friendly musical that everyone knows and loves. 

Say It Again, Sorry? ...Earnest? Review

 For a tale based on mistaken identity, The Importance of Being Earnest is a fantastic show to take and turn on it's head into a brilliantly madcap immersive theatre experience. The theatre company Say It Again, Sorry? have pushed the boundaries of theatre to create something where no two shows are the same and the term audience interaction is taken to the extreme. 

Reminiscent of other comedic troupes such as Mischief Theatre, Le Navet Bete, and Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare, this slapstick, comedic version of the classic tale is a hilarious night out that everyone would enjoy. Whilst currently on a UK tour and ending it's tour in London, ...Earnest? is currently gracing the MAST Mayflower stage for a few nights only. 

Photos by Mark Senior

Rocky Horror Show 2025 UK Tour - Bournemouth Review

What do you get when you find a cult film that's a hit musical and has millions of adoring fans? Why you get Rocky Horror of course! It's back on tour to tantalise and entertain audiences across the UK and has hit the shores of Bournemouth to take you to another dimension. 

For those that are unaware of the story of Rocky Horror, let me tell you a tale...