Hello all, it’s Fridad. FriDad took a deviation last week with a few things popping up unexpectedly. So this week…get ready for it…DOUBLE FRIDAD!
Yes! That means half of you will be inundated with FriDad goodness, the latter a double torture. Oh well!
This post is 10 ways parenting is like Writing and 5 ways it REALLY ISN’T!. Be aware, I am referring to scriptwriting and my knowledge of writing, this isn’t an expert at the helm here.
1) You get better at writing with practise: Writing is a long process that takes a lot of trial and error. Parenthood is a lot like this in which you learn on the job a lot what your child likes and dislikes. With time, you begin to be able to do it on autopilot and it baffles you when you look back and go…’what did I just do there?’
2) A routine is valuable: Writers work best when they have a routine in place. A sense of structure so that they can work persistently to get the piece written. The same can be said of parenting. By setting routines for bed, dinner…heck a whole week. The operation goes smoothly with only minor mishaps.
3) COFFEE IS NEEDED: This one needs no explanation. Surely.
4) Writing groups is a great way to socialise: When in a writing group, you can pass your work into other’s hands, learn neat tips and tricks and just generally make friends doing something you love. With parenting, meeting and greeting others and reiterating the process, you can gain so much from doing so.
5) Time away is important: Though you grind, focus and keep progressing as a writer, a mental break can recharge you and give you fresh eyes on your work. Vacations and nights out do exactly the same for mums and dads.
6) Research can really help: As a writer, sometimes writing what you know just doesn’t work. By experiencing some things, learning about subjects and reading theories you grow a wealth of preparation for projects and the future. Baby books for pregnancy, parenting books and even things like One Born Every Minute are great starter points for mums and even unsure dads.
7) Do it your way: Whatever happens, your project is your project. Criticisms are as you value them and you have to decide what is best for your work. As a parent, it’s your child and if you’re confident you know what’s best, you don’t need to hear someone testing you.
8) Drinking is great, writing is great, but they DON’T MIX: The same applies with driving, reading, skiing, sewing and fracking.
9) Work out how your project is going: It’s hard to know how to edit a script. It’s tough to kill your darling’s and directions in which your script can go don’t always leave you happiest. As a parent I know not every child, especially my own is ready for what you think they’re ready for. Remember, they have a conscience too and a personality. Let them express themselves as openly as possible…you’ll learn so much from them from doing so.
10) It’s a passion and the more you put in, the greater it shows: You’re best work is always one you pour your heart into, the one you sneak away and plan for, the one you don’t stop talking about to people…now look at your child. That passion you throw in whether you spend all day at home, the mornings/ evenings you get as you swap jobs with your partner or occasionally at weekends shows when you show it to your children. You get out what you put in. Don’t stop doing it, they will be their very best if you do so.
AND NOW, the 5 NOTS!
1) Your first is always your worst: Not true as a parent. I’m the first child and I’m the best child…right mum?...mum?...dad?...please?
2) Writing is rewriting: Parenting is NOT reparenting, stop trying to reimagine your children!
3) Plagiarism is criminal: Now, if a parent uses another parents technique or fashion sense or ideas…who cares? No parent has bothered patent pending anything they do. If you share it openly, it should be flattering someone wants to do it too. Copying and borrowing is fine, claiming it is sad and if you see it…who cares? Go watch the amazing things your kids can do and forget why it even bothered you.
4) The coffee shop is a great place to write: Go ahead, take your child to a coffee shop. Let everyone see how great shared parenting is in that tiny café. The acoustics in there are phenomenal I bet.
5) Drink, drink and more drink! We writers love to drink!: Yes I know writers love to drink, parents do as well, but…come on…we’ve covered this.
Well there we have it…the art of scriptwriting procrastination achieved again. Hey, I still like this gig so it’s fine.
Right well get ready for part 2 coming up on this double header.
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