#GiftOfGiving This Christmas

Christmas is a time of year that we get to cherish and treat our loved ones. That we can spend quality time with friends and family and truly appreciate the gift of giving. Working in retail, we don't get much time to spend with family, so what time we do have we try and make it that bit more special. This Christmas, Fenetic Wellbeing who provide customers with healthcare and mobility products to suit their needs, challenged me to think outside the box and treat a loved one to something that they would love but never buy themselves or ask for. I went one (well two) further and treated three people.

I knew that I wanted to surprise Scott, but I also wanted to surprise some of the mums from school too. Over the past year Tamsin and Nat have become two of the best friends that I could have hoped for. I know they are always there, no matter what for a gossip, chat, coffee or cocktail. I never would have thought that in such a short time they would have become such amazing friends.

I decided that I wanted to surprise them with something personal, something that showed them that they are incredible people and they should never forget that. I opted for some personal inspiring prints that I made and got professionally printed. I handed them over at the school gate (or I would have filmed their reactions!) and lets just say that tears were shed.

The other person I wanted to treat was Scott. He's one of those amazing people that literally puts everyone else first. He goes above and beyond at work, is always on hand to play with Max and helps me out whenever I feel bogged down and stressed. I sat there for ages wondering what I could get him. My first thought was something tech based, but with his tech based job I knew that was a bit of a cop out. One night we were sat on the sofa and he said in passing how he would love to head on a night out, just the two of us and that's where the idea hit me.

I did some internet hunting and some calling around and struck gold. One of Scott's favourite comedians was playing a local theatre at the start of next year. Within minutes I had snapped up some tickets and I started looking for places to eat around the area. If we were going to go out, I was going to go all out. I managed to secure a gift voucher for one of his favourite restaurants too and I popped it all in an envelope.

Of course it felt a bit rubbish to just put them all in an envelope, so I spent a few hours coming up with a little poem that he could read to understand why I was giving him the gift and a bit of a clue as to what it was. I gave it to him one day after he had finished work, he came home a bit down in the dumps and I knew this would be the perfect time to surprise him. As you can see from the video below it went down a treat. There may have even been a few tears after I stopped filming! Since then he hasn't stopped talking about how excited he is to go next year and how it's the best gift he's been given in such a long time.

Thank you so much Fenetic Wellbeing for giving me the opportunity to pay it forward as part of your #GiftOfGiving campaign. Why don't you think outside the box and surprise a loved one this Christmas?

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