Sister Act the Musical - UK Tour Review

 What happens when a group of nuns and a singer meet in a church? Well it’s not the start of a joke, but the start of the brilliant story Sister Act. The hit film starring Whoopi Goldberg is now on the stage and ready to take the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton audience by storm. 

The story of Sister Act follows Delores Van Cartier, a down on her luck singer who unfortunately catches her boyfriend murdering someone. In an attempt to hide herself before the trial of the century, Delores is placed in the watchful care of Mother Superior and the Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow sisters. Whilst being placed with a group of nuns isn’t the most conventional place for a scandalous and sassy singer, this soulful queen soon finds her place with the choir and learns to embrace the softer side of her personality. 

Sister Act the musical is full of songs that will have you clapping, tapping your toes, and feeling like you just want to hug the characters on stage. It feels like a warm, soulful embrace and hits the spot for a night of feel good fun. Whilst I have to say it did feel like there were a lot of serious/slower songs, it was also brilliant to see how Alan Menken adapted and paid homage to the original source material to create a brilliant tribute to the film itself. 

Sandra Marvin blew us away as Delores, giving us the perfect blend of sass and sincerity to truly let the character shine. And my goodness what a voice. Commanding the stage is an understatement. She owned every bit of that stage every time she sung from the rafters. Lesley Joseph stepped into the role of Mother Superior, bringing perfection and superiority to the character as she turned her nose down at every step Delores made. Clive Rowe impressed us with his rendition of police officer Eddie and his song (and multiple costume changes) almost verged on receiving a standing ovation, whilst Lizzie Bea played the timid Sister Mary Robert and her solo performance left me almost leaping out of my seat to applaud. What a voice and what an incredible presence on stage. 

Each member of the ensemble was nothing but hilarious and perfectly represented the characters we all know and love from the film. Whether it was the seedy gangsters or the devout nuns, each member of the cast was brilliant on stage. The show had Max dancing in his seat and in awe of the glitter, sequins, and comedic moments. 

Sister Act is a show that will leave you in awe of the bright lights, soulful singing, and glittery costumes. It’s a show that doesn’t take itself too seriously but also knows how to win over an audience. With a cast packed full of talent and a host of songs that will leave you rejoicing in your seats, it’s a sure fire hit to raise the roof. 

Not to be missed, Sister Act is on at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton until 6/5/23 before continuing on a UK tour. Perfect for all the family, it’s a brilliant night out. 

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